Parkinson's disease can also be hereditary, there are more than 60 lakh patients all over the world : The hands and feet of a Parkinson's patient start trembling. The number of Parkinson's patients in the whole world is more than 60 lakhs. In America alone, the number of people affected by this disease is about one million. Usually this disease occurs after the age of 50 years. Even in old age, hands and feet start shaking, but it is difficult for a normal person to find out whether it is Parkinson's or the effect of age. If there is Parkinson's, the activity of the body decreases, the brain does not work properly. The disease occurs because the cells located in the deep central part of the brain get damaged. The special part of the brain, Basal Ganglia, has cells called striatonigral.
The disease can also be hereditary
Due to damage to the neuron cells of Substantia Nigra, their number starts decreasing. The size becomes smaller. The mutual balance of the chemicals (neurotransmitters) secreted by these neuron cells located in the parts called striatum and substantia nigra gets disturbed. Due to this, the balance of the body also gets disturbed. On the basis of some research, it can be said that this disease can also be hereditary. Medicines to cure this disease are not available yet, but it is possible to prevent it with medicines. Deep brain stimulation surgery is now being done in AIIMS for this disease.
Symptoms of Parkinson's disease on the body
In Parkinson's disease, the whole body, especially the hands and legs, start trembling rapidly. Sometimes the tremors stop, but whenever the patient sits down to write something or do some work, the hands start trembling again. There is also difficulty in eating food. Sometimes the patient's jaw, tongue and eyes also start trembling. In this, the physical balance gets disturbed. There is difficulty in walking. The patient is unable to stand straight. He is unable to hold a cup or glass in his hand. Cannot speak properly, starts stuttering.
Consultation with a qualified doctor is necessary
The face becomes expressionless. There is difficulty in getting up while sitting. There is no movement of the arms while walking, they remain still. When this disease increases, one is unable to sleep, weight starts falling, breathing problems, constipation, intermittent urination, dizziness, darkness in front of the eyes and many problems like reduction in sex drive surround one. Along with this, there is tension and stiffness in the muscles, stiffness in hands and legs, in such a situation it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor.
Causes of Parkinson's disease, diet
Excessive thinking, negative thinking and mental stress are its main causes. Brain injury, excessive use of sleeping pills, narcotics and stress-relieving medicines, deficiency of vitamin E, excessive smoking, consumption of tobacco, alcohol and fast food can also cause Parkinson's. A Parkinson's patient should avoid coffee, tea, intoxicants, salt, sugar, and canned food. However, according to experts, the risk of getting this disease is reduced by 14 percent in coffee drinkers. But coffee should be avoided once the disease occurs.
Home remedies for Parkinson's disease
Drink lemon juice mixed in water regularly for 4-5 days. Coconut water is also very beneficial in this. If you eat uncooked food and drink fruit and vegetable juice regularly for ten days, then this disease goes away in a few days. In Parkinson's disease, soybean can be mixed in milk and drunk. Consumption of milk and goat's milk with sesame seeds provides great relief in this disease. Eat a salad of green leafy vegetables. Consume more foods containing vitamin E. Do some light exercises every day. Keep your thoughts positive and stay happy. Take sunlight so that you can get vitamin D.