On the Punjab and Haryana High Court rejecting the petition related to the Amritsar Municipal Corporation Mayor election, senior Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and spokesperson Neel Garg said that the Congress deliberately staged a high-voltage drama for three days, while there was no rigging of any kind in the election.
Neel Garg said that the High Court's decision has proved that the Congress leaders were spreading lies about the mayor election, but the court separated the wheat from the chaff. Garg said that the truth always wins, no matter how many allegations and lies are spread.
He said that the Aam Aadmi Party elected its mayor in Amritsar through the electoral process. We had the majority there and the election was conducted in front of the camera. Everything is on record. The Congress was trying to defame the Aam Aadmi Party on this issue. Congress leaders should stop all this and raise public issues.