Traffic police in Punjab will now take action against throwing children out of the sunroof. The Special DGP of Punjab has issued a letter to the Police Commissioners and SSPs of all the districts and has also been asked to fulfil the order.
Due to this the decision was taken
It is written in the letter that children come out through the sunroof of the vehicles and make noise on the National Highway. Due to which other people's attention gets distracted and there is a fear of an accident. That is why this decision has been taken.
Also ordered to take action
It is further written in the letter that instructions have been given to all the Police Commissioners and SSP employees that if any such thing comes to light during checking, then action should be taken against them under the Motor Vehicle Act.
This rule has been implemented in Bengaluru also
Let us tell you that before Punjab Police, Bengaluru Police had implemented this rule. Because at present people are misusing the sunroof of vehicles. Due to which accidents are increasing. The police have come up with this rule to avoid accidents.