Mumbai Police has arrested the person who attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan by entering his house. Police caught him from Bandra railway station with the help of CCTV footage. At the same time, he was also seen coming down from Saif's house at around 2.30 am on the night of January 15.
Deep wound near the spine
This mighty powerful highly intelligent spy evaded security at the Main Gate of Saif Ali Khan's building & entered Saif's house at 10th floor.
He stabbed Saif Ali Khan 6 times, again evaded security and escaped.
Believe it if you want.
— Incognito (@Incognito_qfs) January 16, 2025
Dr. Neeraj Uttamani, COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Lilavati Hospital, says that Saif was stabbed six times. One of the injuries was very close to his spine. A piece of knife was stuck in Saif's spine and fluid was also leaking. It has been removed through surgery.
Demanded Rs 1 crore from the maid
In police investigation, it was revealed that the house maid suddenly saw a shadow near the bathroom and thought that Kareena might have come to see her younger son, but later she got suspicious and went ahead.
Suddenly a man attacked the woman and showed her a sharp weapon and asked her to keep quiet. During this, the attacker demanded Rs 1 crore from the maid (nanny) who was taking care of the children.
During this time Saif Ali Khan also reached there and when he saw, a scuffle broke out between the unknown accused and Saif. In which Saif got injured.
Saif was taken to the hospital by auto
The maid further told that after the attack, Ibrahim and Sara Ali Khan also live on the eighth floor in the same building. They came up and took Saif Ali Khan to the hospital in an auto. No driver was present at home. No one knew how to drive an automatic electric vehicle, so they reached Lilavati Hospital by auto.