The person who threatened to bomb more than 400 schools in Delhi has been arrested by the police. According to the police, the accused is a 12th class student. The police has now started investigating the case to find out if there was someone behind the child who was making him do this. The police is also questioning the accused's family.
The child's family is associated with an NGO
According to the police, the family of the child who threatened is associated with an NGO. This NGO had also opposed the hanging of terrorist Afzal Guru. The police is now questioning the family as well. Police teams are now engaged in investigating this case from different angles.
Mobile and laptop seized
Special Police Commissioner Madhup Tiwari said in a press conference at the police headquarters - Our teams tracked the minor after the email received on January 8. The person who sent the email was a minor, so the team seized his laptop and mobile phone for forensic investigation.