Usually we make a wish-list and plans when entering the New Year. This year ensure that your wishes and plans are inspired by knowledge. When our wishes and actions are powered by knowledge, there is only joy and happiness in life. But without knowledge, our wishes become weak, our plans remain mediocre and there is an atmosphere of uncertainty in them.
Knowledge means self-knowledge, that is, understanding yourself and this life in the context of time and space. Reflecting on when and how we came to this earth, and what we want to contribute here in this time, is real knowledge. When you walk with the vision and purpose that you will contribute to making this planet a better and happier place, your life is filled with happiness. When the purpose of your life is to spread knowledge and spirituality in everyone's life and uplift the society, there is no place for depression in life. Remember, you are the light of this world in this time. When the world is going through difficult times and is surrounded by countless struggles, you are a ray of hope for all.
Silence is required to imbibe knowledge. Silence has been called the mother of creativity. Take time for silence two or three times a year. Lord Shri Krishna says, 'I return to my nature, and keep creating again and again.' When we return to our nature, we get renewed energy and our creativity increases. It connects us to our source, fills us with positive energy, and we get the power to create whatever we want.
To gain depth in enlightenment, we must make meditation a part of our daily routine. Many people have learned meditation, but still do not make it their priority. This is because when we are happy, we want to enjoy the fruits of that happiness, which is derived from our actions. This is just like enjoying the fruits of a tree or plant without watering the roots. We should remind ourselves every day that we have to water the roots only then the tree will always bear fruits. So make meditation a part of your daily routine and ensure that everyone around us meditates too.
In this New Year, let us take a resolution that we will promote friendship and resolve conflicts around us. First, let us extend our hands and reach out to those friends who have drifted away from us or our friends circle. Today there is conflict everywhere between people, families and countries and if each one of us takes a resolution that we will end the distance between communities, unite people, it will be extremely satisfying for us. Every year, whether it is good or bad, gives us experience and wisdom. Carrying the learnings from the previous year, move ahead in the New Year with new energy and dedication.