On 26 January, on the occasion of Republic Day, a youth tried to break the statue of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar with a hammer in Amritsar. After which the Dalit community in Amritsar has called for a bandh. Now, on this issue, the Valmiki community and Dalit community along with other organizations in the metropolis have given a call for a Jalandhar bandh tomorrow. According to the information, the call was given by Anil Hans, Arun Sandal, Soma Gill, presidents of various organizations including Kabir Tiger Force of Jalandhar.
The main Dr. Ambedkar Chowk in Jalandhar is situated where some people tried to enter on 25 January, which was chased away by the police. He said that regarding the call for a bandh, he met DC Himanshu Agarwal and Joint Commissioner Sandeep Sharma and submitted a memorandum of demands. He alleges that the Khalsa Panth had tampered with the statue of Baba Saheb in Baba Ambedkar Chowk. During this time, false allegations were made on Baba Saheb regarding the Constitution. During this, they have demanded that a case be registered against the accused under NSA Act and he should be sent to Dibrugarh jail.
Call for shutdown from 9 am to 5 pm
If the police does not take action against the accused, then the struggle will be intensified in the coming time. During this, there will be a call for shutdown from 9 am to 5 pm. Along with this, medical and essential services will remain operational.