In the present times, the internet has become a necessity for people. People are using the internet for most of the work. Due to this, the number of people using the internet in the world is constantly increasing. At the same time, big news is coming out about this internet. Actually, Simpsons has issued a prediction through his cartoon that the internet will shut down on January 16, 2025.
According to the information, it is being said that a giant shark will cut the internet wire in the middle of the sea, due to which the internet will be completely shut down. Due to this terrible prediction, online transactions, credit cards, supermarket sales will all stop. Let us tell you that in 2015 also, Simpsons had predicted Donald Trump's victory in the election through his cartoon, which proved to be true.
Coincidence or a story
Yellow cartoon character i.e. 'The Simpsons' You will be surprised to know that whatever these cartoons named Simpsons show, it becomes true after a few years. Now whether this is a coincidence or there is a story behind it, the makers of this show would know better. By the way, you must have seen these yellow cartoon characters many times, sometimes in memes and sometimes in some comments. These are Simpsons, whose episodes you will easily find on YouTube.
More than 25 incidents shown in the cartoon are true
The twist in this story is that these cartoons have shown many such episodes, whose stories have come true in real life. So far, more than 25 incidents shown in the entire cartoon have come true.