Bharat Bandh has been announced on 21st August i.e. tomorrow by the SC/ST community in Bharatpur, Rajasthan. Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati has supported this call. All BSP workers and leaders will participate in the Bharat Bandh movement in Debhar. Rallies will be taken out on behalf of SC/ST category at various places in the city.
Everything will remain closed from 6 am to 8 am
Let us tell you that tomorrow everything will remain closed from 6 am to 8 pm except medical services, police and fire services. At the same time, the public is not allowed to leave their homes. Mall, shop, office, street vendor, track, bank, ATM, market, market, factory, company, workshop, tourist places etc. will all remain closed.
These things including schools and colleges are closed
During this period, all schools, colleges, universities, petrol pumps, CNG pumps, LPG warehouse pumps will also remain closed. Even lawyers will not work. Troops of Bhim soldiers will shut down India.
Regarding which the police is continuously appealing for peaceful protest. For this, CLG meetings are being called in police stations across the district and talks are also being held with the members. During this, Kachhawa told that some misleading news is being spread on social media in the context of Bharat Bandh on 21st August.
In which it is being told that reservation has been completely abolished by the Supreme Court. This is completely false. This is a misleading news. The people of Bharatpur are requested not to believe in such misleading news.
Government can create sub categories in SC\ST
The Supreme Court had given a big decision regarding Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SC\ST). A bench of 7 judges of the court said that the state government can create sub categories in SC/ST, so that the original and needy categories will get more benefit of reservation.
The present bench has set aside the decision given in 2004, in which the Supreme Court had said that sub-category cannot be created among SC/ST tribes. The Supreme Court said that governments can create sub-categories in its 15 percent reservation to benefit the castes facing more oppression and exploitation.
The Supreme Court said that the quota within the quota will be based on reasonable difference. States cannot act as per their wish regarding this. Along with this, the activities of the states will be subject to judicial review.
Police administration on alert
Keeping in mind the announcement of Bharat Bandh, the police and administration are on alert mode. Sensitive areas have been identified in the four districts of Bharatpur range where police forces will be deployed.Leave of policemen has also been banned. During this period, the police and administration have started preparations to maintain law and order and deal with any kind of disturbance.
Sensitive areas have been identified in all four districts of Bikaner range. Sadar police station area, Kolayat and Khajuwala are considered sensitive in the city. Additional police force will be deployed in these areas.