Goods worth about Rs 2 crore were burnt to ashes in a fire that broke out in High Street Apollo Mall in Indore on Wednesday. The fire broke out in the branded clothing showroom Rare Rabbit, which was opened three months ago. According to information, the showroom caught fire late at night, but no one noticed.
The fire was detected in the morning
The showroom employees who arrived for cleaning in the morning saw smoke and immediately informed the fire brigade. By then, goods worth Rs 2 crore kept in the showroom had been burnt to ashes. The glass of the showroom had to be broken to remove the smoke. The fire could be controlled after about an hour of effort.
Clothes worth Rs 2 crore burnt to ashes
The exact reason for the fire has not been known yet, but the fire brigade has suspected the fire to be caused by a short circuit. According to the showroom employees, clothes worth about Rs 2 crore kept in the showroom were burnt to ashes in this fire. The employees also told that new clothes worth Rs 30 lakh had come to the showroom just a day before. According to the information received, a fire system was installed in the mall to extinguish the fire, but after the fire broke out, this system did not work properly.