A huge accident has happened on Chandigarh Road in Ludhiana. First a car hit an auto and then it hit a school bus. After hitting the school bus, the car overturned while the school bus was also shattered. 3 people have been seriously injured in the accident. They have been admitted to the hospital for treatment.
Car hits vehicles
Mangi, who was present on the spot, said that while crossing the divider, the car first hit an auto. After that, the car went straight and hit the bus. After the head-on collision, the car driver, the woman and the security guard present in the bus have been injured. They have been taken to the hospital and are undergoing treatment.
Liquor bottles found in the car
Another person said that the car was moving at a normal speed and the car driver hit the car directly. Some bottles have also been found in the car, so it is suspected that the car driver was drunk. In the accident, the girl's leg is broken and the security guard's stove is broken. The car driver has also been injured. The police reached the spot and started investigating the matter.