Punjab and Haryana High Court has sent notice to revenue officers including DC and SSP of Patiala. This notice has been sent regarding illegal sale of Panchayati land worth Rs 40 crore in Rajpura. A person named Varun Malhotra has filed a petition regarding this illegal sale, hearing which the High Court has taken this decision.
Learn about the case in detail
Petitioner Varun claimed that the land was sold illegally in 1990 by an unfair committee of 31 villagers. Investigation of the case revealed that mutation of this land was done in the name of 7 persons in 1991 with the connivance of revenue officers. Two of these persons had died during registration itself. After this, a part of this land was sold again in 2007 and 2009.
After this, the then Patiala ADC submitted a report to the Punjab government in the year 2022. This illegal sale was also confirmed in this investigation report. But no concrete action was taken against any of the accused. In the petition he further said that this land is still under illegal occupation and no efforts have been made to take it back.