The Shan-e-Punjab Express going from Amritsar to New Delhi caught fire late in the evening. Seeing the flames and smoke rising from under the coach, there was a stampede among the passengers. However, the driver immediately applied emergency brakes and stopped the train near Chawa Payal. According to the information, the passengers saw smoke coming out of the bogie. On seeing the smoke, panic spread among the passengers and they started making noise. The railway staff took immediate action and stopped the train in emergency near Chawa.
Railway officials reached the spot
As soon as the information of fire in Shan-e-Punjab Express was received, there was a stir in the railway department. After getting the information, the railway officials and train staff reached the spot and handled the situation and controlled the fire. Also, after technical investigation, the train was sent towards the destination. However, no passenger was harmed in this accident.
At the same time, the jamming of brake leather was being told behind the fire, but the investigation of the matter was going on till late evening. A major accident was averted due to the prompt action of the railway department.