Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been attacked with a knife. He was stabbed at his Mumbai home at 2.30 am on Wednesday night. He was injured in the attack and was admitted to Lilavati Hospital at 3.30 am where he underwent surgery. It is being said that Saif Ali Khan has been stabbed in the neck, back, hand and head.
Deep wound near the spine
COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Lilavati Hospital Dr. Neeraj Utmani says that Saif was stabbed six times. One of the injuries was very close to his spine. Saif Ali Khan was brought to Lilavati Hospital at 3-30 am. He has 6 injuries, two of which are deep. One injury is near his spine. We are working on that.
Saif was attacked when he came to intervene
An unknown person entered Saif's house. A scuffle broke out between the two. At the time of the incident, some other family members of the actor were also present in the house. It is also being said that the person who entered the house had an argument with the maid. When the actor tried to intervene and calm the person, he attacked Saif Ali Khan.
Saif's family was at home
According to sources, the entire family including Kareena Kapoor Khan and her children Taimur and Jeh were at home at the time of the incident. It is being told that actor Saif Ali Khan confronted the robber to protect the family. An official statement has also come from the actor's team. According to which, there was an attempt of theft at Saif's house. He is currently undergoing surgery in the hospital. This is a police case. The situation will be updated