The PA of the Deputy Commissioner of Tarn Taran has been arrested for demanding a bribe of Rs 50,000. The Vigilance Bureau has arrested PA Harmandeep Singh and Election Department's data entry operator Jagroop Singh for demanding a bribe of Rs 50,000 for the payment of cameras during the Lok Sabha elections. A case has been registered against both of them and investigation has been started.
The Vigilance spokesperson said that a person resident of Tarn Taran told in a complaint to the Vigilance Bureau that he works as a photographer. Video cameras were installed during the Lok Sabha elections, for which DC's PA Harmandeep Singh and Election Department's data entry operator Jagroop Singh had demanded a bribe of Rs 50,000. Both were given an advance of Rs 20,000 each, while the time for giving the Rs 20,000 was fixed on Wednesday.
On Wednesday, the Vigilance team arrested two accused while taking Rs 20,000. The spokesperson said that the accused had to collect Rs 10,000 from the complainant after the payment. A case has been registered against both of them under the Anti-Corruption Act at the Amritsar police station of the Vigilance Bureau. Both of them were produced in court on Thursday. The movable and immovable properties of both are being investigated.