A Punjab Police security guard in Jalandhar was shot dead while cleaning his carbine gun on Friday. The deceased has been identified as 48 year old Ramnik Singh. Ramnik Singh lived in Chowgitty area and was deployed for the security of Rinku Pandit from PAP.
Accident while cleaning carbine
According to the information, Ramnik was cleaning his official carbine, during which a bullet was fired from his carbine. After this he was immediately taken to the hospital, but he died there. The police have taken the body into their custody and sent it to the civil hospital for post-mortem.
Gunman was present at the scene of the incident
After investigation, it was found that three bullets had hit the lower part of the neck and later came out of Ramnik's head. The gunman was also present along with Ramnik at the incident site. Who was the first to inform his department about this. As soon as information about the incident was received, the police of Police Station Division No. 5 reached the spot.
3 bullets hit his neck
ACP Harshpreet Singh told that Ramnik Singh was posted on the post of constable. Ramnik Singh was earlier posted in PAP, but he had come to protect Rinku just 2 days ago. Investigation has revealed that Ramnik was hit by three bullets on his neck. However, the forensic team has taken samples from the incident site and further action will be taken after investigation.