Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann will hoist the tricolor flag in Patiala. His program has been changed on Wednesday night itself. After which this morning the government issued a notification informing about the hoisting of the tricolor flag. Earlier there were discussions about the CM hoisting the tricolor in Mohali.
Speaker will hoist the tricolor in Faridkot
Now Punjab Speaker Kultar Singh Sandhawa will hoist the tricolor in Faridkot. Earlier it was reported that instead of CM Mann, Cabinet Minister Barinder Kumar will go to Faridkot to hoist the tricolor. But the government has issued a notification. In which Kultar Singh Sandhawa's name is there.
Pannu has threatened the CM
Let us tell you that Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannu has threatened CM Mann. He said that whoever goes against the will, his condition will be like former CM Beant Singh. He has got Khalistani slogans written on Faridkot railway station and Nehru station. Punjab is no longer a part of India.
Khalistani flag will be hoisted in Canada, Australia
Pannu further said in his threat that Khalistani flags will be hoisted outside the embassies of Washington DC, San Francisco, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, UK, Italy, Australia and New Zealand. By doing this, he will give the message that there is a big difference between Sikhs and the Indian government regarding religion and politics.