News of a blast has come from Amritsar, Punjab. This blast took place in a house located in Jujhar Singh Avenue area in Amritsar. According to the information, a soldier set fire to his own house. Due to which all the household items were burnt to ashes. He also set fire to the car and bike parked outside the house, which caused an explosion. The car and bike were burnt to ashes due to the fire. During this, there was chaos in the area and panic spread among the people.
The soldier was upset due to domestic dispute
After this incident, the police have taken the soldier into custody, but the police also had to sweat to catch him. At present, the police is engaged in investigation. It is being told that the soldier was upset due to domestic dispute. Pragat Singh is posted as Subedar Major in the Army and he had come to his home Majitha on leave.
Swift car, motorcycle and his house set on fire
But due to domestic discord, Subedar Pragat Singh has set his Swift car, motorcycle and his house on fire. The reasons for the domestic discord are not yet known. The fire was so fierce that two fire brigade vehicles reached the spot to control it. The fire was controlled after about an hour.
The soldier was taken into custody by the police
There was no loss of life due to this fire, but all the household goods were burnt to ashes. The police reached the spot with a party and took Subedar Pragat Singh into custody. At present, the police is assessing the damage caused by the fire.