BJP's Harpreet Kaur Babla has become the mayor of Chandigarh. Harpreet Babla defeated AAP and Congress candidate Prem Lata by 2 votes. While Harpreet Babla got 19 votes, Prem Lata got 17 votes. Despite AAP and Congress having majority, Prem Lata could not become the mayor.
Harpreet won by cross voting
BJP had the support of 16 councillors in Chandigarh mayor election. While on the other hand AAP and Congress had 13 and 6 councillors and MP Manish Tiwari had 20 votes. But due to the alliance of AAP-Congress, three cross voting took place. Due to which BJP has succeeded in making its mayor.
Voting continues for Senior Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor
After the mayor, now voting is going on for Senior Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor. This defeat may intensify the political battle between Congress and AAP, who are fighting against each other in Delhi. However, BJP says that due to lack of development in Chandigarh, councillors have voted in favour of BJP by listening to the voice of their conscience.