The marriage of Shiromani Akali Dal chief Sukhbir Singh Badal's elder daughter Harkirat Kaur has been fixed. This information has been given by Virsa Singh Valtoha. He told that Harkirat Kaur will get married after 4 months in the year 2025. Whose preparations are now being done at home.
Will marry an international businessman
According to the information, Sukhbir Badal's daughter Harkirat will get married in the month of February next year. Harkirat's future husband is an international businessman and he is originally from Doaba region. He also has a factory in Doaba.
Family lives abroad
It is also being said that the boy's entire family lives abroad and they have business in many countries. However, till now neither the name of Harkirat's future husband has been revealed nor it has been revealed which city he is from.