Bollywood actress Malaika Arora's father Anil Arora has committed suicide. The incident is said to have happened on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. It is being told that Anil committed suicide by jumping from the 7th floor of Asha Manar building in Bandra. The reasons are not known yet. He was ill for the last few days.
The police is currently investigating. Suicide note has also not been found. The body has been sent for post-mortem.The body has been kept in Baba Hospital. When Malaika got the news of her father's death, she was in Pune. As soon as she got the information, she immediately left for Mumbai.
He was in the hospital due to health issues
According to the information, last year Anil Arora was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai due to health issues. Malaika was spotted in the hospital with her mother Joyce. However, the reason for his treatment could not be revealed.
Former Merchant Navy
Anil Arora belonged to a Punjabi Hindu family. He has been in the Merchant Navy. He was married to Joyce Polycorp, from whom he got divorced. Anil and Joyce became parents of two daughters after marriage, whose names are Malaika and Amrita Arora.