A teacher's house in Kapurthala's Saido Bhulana village has been robbed. The theft incident has been captured in the CCTV camera installed near the house. Two suspicious bike riders are seen committing the theft. After receiving the complaint, the police of Sadar police station has also registered an FIR against unknown thieves. The police has started investigating. Giving information about the incident, ASI Puran Chand said that the footage of the nearby CCTV camera has been seized and the thieves are also being identified.
Items were scattered in the house
According to the information of the police, Raman Kumar, a resident of Saido Bhulana, said that he is a teacher in Bhalaana school. On 25 December, after the school holidays, he went to his house in Amritsar. On the morning of 29 December, he got a call from the neighbors that the locks of his house were broken. After hearing this, when he came home, he saw that all the items were scattered.
Thousands of rupees worth of cash stolen
During the investigation, it has come to light that Samsung LED TV, inverter set, coat pant suit and thousands of rupees worth of cash have been stolen. All the activities of the unknown thieves have been captured in the CCTV installed nearby. It can be seen in it that two bike riders are seen roaming around at midnight. Based on this, the accused are also being identified.
Bhulana Chowki in-charge ASI Puran Chand also said that the thieves are being identified on the basis of CCTV footage. At present, an FIR has also been registered against the unknown thieves in Sadar police station.